Pet Pawties In A Box Archive Page
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Woofie, My Friends!
My apologies for not writing lately - We have been so busy with out-of-town visitors, Mistress Elizabeth's Birthday, and illness. I'm excited to entertain you - Licks!....
Mistress Elizabeth and Louis set up our business for a day at a local Pet Parade. We had an early morning set-up and long-distance driving, so it was still dark when I was eating my breakfast kibble prior to leaving. As I watched them pack up the vehicles, I was amazed at how efficient they've become loading up all the items to sell!
Pet Pawties In A Box is a business with a variety of products to sell, not a speciality store that sells one item, so there is a lot of thought put in for store displays. I never know what the booth is going to look like because Mistress is always coming up with new items and ideas. This time, Mistress highlighted Pawty Collars, Pawty Hats, and Pawty Bandanas and put her new samples on her private collection of stuffed animals. Mistress even put me in a
Birthday Collar! - but my birthday isn't until February! So exciting! At the Event there was a smell of bacon in the air for a Pancake Breakfast, lots of hustle and bustle, and soooo many people and their dogs all dressed up. I got lots of attention and compliments - Woofie! The booth looked good, and Mistress made a number of sales, and met a lot of really nice people. Such a good day...
Not everything was good, though. Some things didn't make my Mistress happy, but even what doesn't make her happy initially, often brings a smile in the re-telling. Because of this, I don't mind sharing the humorous downside of my Mistresses business:
Mistress always has bowls of treats for me and all my new friends that come into our booth, and bowls of candy for the humans. The candy can't be chocolate (bad for dogs, melts in the heat), so she buys a lot of really nice hard candy for sharing. On this particular day a "shopper" came into the booth with an empty bag. She walked up to one of the candy bowls and proceeded to pick through the candy while filling up her bag. Mistress Elizabeth watched her in shock, and when she had filled up her bag (and emptied our bowl), she turned, smiled, and said, "Thank You!" - and left!
Later, Mistress was visiting another business booth while Louis was managing our store. The day had grown quite warm, it was late in the day, and our customers had dwindled. I was on the ground, bored, when I started to bark at the two ladies who were in our booth. Mistress noticed one of them had her stuffed Dachshund in her hands and was twisting her legs! Louis must have been bored, too, because he didn't even notice. Mistress and I started watching her in hopes she would stop and put the Dachshund down. By then, she had damaged the party hat, twisted all 4 legs, and untied the bow on the
Wiener Circle. The eyes on the stuffed Dachshund were pleading for us to come rescue her! By this time she looked like she had been dragged outside and played with by a 5-year-old! Mistress returned as fast as she could, approached the woman and said, "The Dachshund is from my personal collection and is NOT for sale - but you may have to buy the hat because you've damaged it!". The woman laughed, ignored my Mistress, and went on mis-treating other items. I wanted to bite her ankle! Mistress stood close by until she left, and was obviously not happy! Poor little stuffed Dachshund - later, she had to be cleaned up, sewn up, and her beautiful pink pawty hat with a matching collar had to be thrown away!
I hope, for my Mistresses sake, that all of you remember that a booth at a Pet Event is still a professional business and deserves your respect!
Love and Licks,
by: Pet Pawties In A Box
Friday, July 15, 2011
Woofie, My Friends!
Today we're all very excited because Catya, our Tuxedo Cat, is on the road to recovery and Mistress Elizabeth said it's OK to leave her alone while we go to the Fremont Dog Show on Saturday!
Pet Pawties In A Box will have a booth there, and I get to go! Mistress Elizabeth has been working hard for this event, and we have a lot of new things to sell that aren't even in our store yet! I have a new
Nathan's Wiener Circle to wear, and I've been twirling all day in excitement. As the Design Director, I whispered in Mistress Elizabeth's ear a while back my ideas about this product, and we love them! First of all, they are extremely comfortable to wear, they come in all sizes, and can be dressed up or dressed down for any occasion. They are getting better and better, and the one Mistress made for the show with a matching hat, is an adorable pink and white one. The new Pink girly girl Circle and Hat are so new I can't even show you a picture, but we'll take one for later... The best part about Nathan's Wiener Circles is they can be customized in any color, pattern, and for any occasion. If you want one and you have an idea, write Mistress Elizabeth (
Elizabeth) and she can make it for you! This is the one I'll be wearing, with a black Top Hat!
I'm not a girl, so I don't wear jewelry! I'm not a sissy-boy! Never! I may be small (11 pounds), but there's nothing girly about me! I know some boys wear rings and such, but not this boy; but I love to see my ladies dressed up in pretty outfits and jewels - oh yes I do! Mistress Elizabeth loves pearls and diamonds, and she thought it would be a good thing to dress up our Sascha! My sister, Sascha, now has a faux pearl and diamond necklace. I'm thinking we're going to have to move to Nob Hill in San Francisco, or 5th Avenue in NYC! She looked so pretty in her new necklace I couldn't keep my eyes off her, and I gave her many licks to let her know what I thought. Mistress was so impressed with how cute Sascha looked, she decided we could to start selling them in our store for all the sweet girls out there who want to dress like Jackie-O! We're even going to carry them in pink, purple and blue pearls - Wow...Beautiful, right?
Look for them in our store soon...
Love and Licks,
Nathan, The Dachshund AND Design Director!
by: Pet Pawties In A Box
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Woofie, My Friends!
Life in our household is spinning, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! My Mistress, Elizabeth, has been performing many nursing duties on our resident cat, Catya, who was poisoned last week and almost died. The good news is she turned a corner yesterday, and we're all breathing a sigh of relief. The bad news is my Dachshund brothers, my Dachshund sister, and I are getting minimum attention and we're not liking it one bit! Louis walks us, feeds us, and pets us, but we miss Mistress and the biscuits she bakes for us. She was even teaching me to play dead, and (shhhhh), I already could but I was loving the extra attention so much I pretended I hadn't quite got it! *sigh* I heard Mistress Elizabeth tell Louis that Catya is actually drinking her formula, and when it's pill time, she's showing a lot of strengh! I hope my Mistress remembers I'll never bite or scratch her when she's helping me get well!
(Left to Right) Buddy, Me, Sascha, Roo |
Don't forget to browse/shop at our store,
Pet Pawties In A Box, we have a lot of things for Dogs & Cats of every breed! If you want something special (like a hat, bandana, or such) give Mistress a shout
Email Elizabeth, we'd love to hear from you!
Love and Licks,
Nathan, The Dachshund
by: Pet Pawties In A Box
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Woofie, My Friends,
Sweet Catya |
Since Friday, Mistress Elizabeth has been very upset about Catya, our Tuxedo Cat. You see, Catya ate one of Mistresses pills, and has been very sick. Dr. Louie pumped out her stomach, fed her charcoal, drew blood to check out her liver function, and poor Catya suffered other numerous indignities. Catya is home now, but not well. Every 12 hours our Mistress has to force a pill down her throat, then another, then give her water with a syringe. She's not eating even though Mistress bought her Fancy Feast, her favorite. Roo, Buddy, Sascha and I (the Dachshunds), have been talking and we're not convinced the pills Catya is taking are making her feel better; you see, a few hours after she takes them - she's vomiting. Mistress holds her and rocks her, and gives her a bit more water and has told her there will be no more pills as they're all gone. I've been feeling really bad for all the times I've chased Catya around the house. I know she's sweet and our Mistress loves us all equally, but I'm a dog and that's what dogs do - chases cats! Dr. Louie saw Catya today and gave her a treatment, poor Catya, she's losing a lot of fur with all the stress...please pray for her.
Love and Licks,
Nathan, The Dachshund
by: Pet Pawties In A Box
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Happy Saturday, My Friends!
This morning at breakfast Mistress prepared 5 bowls of doggie food because Stewart is here for a few days! 5 doggies eating breakfast! Just imagine the sight of that! My friend, Stewart, is a long-haired, 2-year old Dachshund who seems a bit confused with all of us jumping around because he comes from a very small family. I'll bet to him, my home is like going to the park because there's so many of us! He lives with just his Mommy and Daddy, and Mistress whispered to me that he's not very well socialized. When he came over last night, he barked and growled at all of us while cowering in the corner - all we were trying to do was sniff his fluffy tail, well, maybe not his tail, but an area in close proximity! Sascha ran away (she jumps if a leaf falls from the tree), Roo barked back (which made me more tense), and I yelped and started twirling! So much Chaos! To calm us all down, Mistress sat on the floor and fed us chicken strips while rubbing our tummies! Soon, all was calm, and Stewart started licking our ears. Mistress made a special dinner for us later, but I don't think she slept easily with 5 Dachshunds piled on her bed (because she's really crabby today - shhhhh)!
Want a Pet but can't deal with the chaos? Mistress has
"My Own Pets" for sale in our
Pet Pawties In A Box store for my friends who want a Pet without the stress and chaos of one. My Own Pets are a balloon toy that doesn't float in the air, but does walk alongside you after getting a breath of helium air. Your Balloon Pet doesn't bark, growl, pee on your new carpet, chew your favorite shoe, and won't hog the bed while sleeping! Of course, they don't lick your face either - *sigh* -; otherwise, they would be perfect, don't you think? Woofie!
More later...
Love & Licks,
Nathan, The Dachshund
My Story
by: Pet Pawties In A Box