Pet Pawties In A Box Posting Page
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Dear Friends,

Where have I been? I can't believe it's been almost a year since I blogged! It was around this time in 2011 that my Mistress, Elizabeth, became more disabled from an injury she had 15 years ago! Arthritis was the culprit and ate up her hip preventing her from walking, driving, and sitting for very long. Pet Pawties In A Box ( suffered too - we all did because our walks stopped!

Good News! Surgery (total hip replacement) has been successful and she's doing much better. My brothers, Dachshunds Roo and Buddy, and my sister, Sascha, even went to the park recently! Poor Buddy, he's turning 17 years old in July and Arthritis is affecting his hips too - he tries to be young, but is moving slower...

We're getting ready for a big pawty in August, and it's going to be so much fun! Mistress has hired a jazz trio, a chef, is remodeling the guest bathroom, and is back on the computer shopping! We all get to sit at her feet and lick her ankles. She's working on re-opening the store with new doggie and kitty stuff - life is much more exciting!

More later...

Love and Licks,
Nathan, The Dachshund

by: Pet Pawties In A Box


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